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Bi(bub)ble BioBoomerang Symbiosis, Pshychic Scientist Society Overview
อย่าเชื่อเรา เชื่อตามหาวิเชียรคุณยามโคจร แมตริกซ์ชีวิต วิถีพาเป็น (Miosis pangenesis/ Social Darwinism)

"Don’t be afraid your life will end; afraid that it will never begin". ~ Grace Hansen
"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." ~ Aldous Huxley

Symbiosis Uthos


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Clips Quotes

"สูต้องไม่ empower นักกักกันชีวิตกักกองเศรฐกิจ พวกนั้นย่อยสลายหลายชาติแล้วก่อนรุ่นสู" ~ โมฮัมหมัด

เห็นกับดักชีวิต: ศาสดาเดินหนีตำแหน่งทายาทมหาเศรษฐีอย่างโมฮัมหมัดหรือทายาทบัลลังก์อย่างสิยิ่งสงลั่นถัน+พรานบุญ+ทาสนรกลึกลงๆ

เห็นตามศาสดา: ทุกสิ่งที่ไบโพล่าร์สร้างกักขัง/ ล่าม/ มัด/ กัดกิน/ ย่อยสลาย/ สังหาร ชีวิตและดาวนำทางชีวิตผู้สร้าง ผู้ช่วย ผู้สนับสนุน ฯลฯ ที่อำนาจมนุษย์เสก (IT) สรร (เลือก) บันดาล (ทำให้เกิด)

ค้นหา Know-why: "อ้าว! (คำถามที่แจ้นทุกศาสดาเข้าป่าเขาทะเลทรายฝึกใชัชีวิตเกมแพลน 2

คน (รัฐสภา ครม. ศาสนา การศึกษา หอการค้า ราชการ) ส่วนใหญ่ (ของคนส่วนน้อย) ตื่นแจ้งเมื่อนั้นโลกสันติสุข

ที่บ้าไม่รู้ว่าบ้าปัญญาไม่แก่ไม่รู้ว่าอ่อนคือนักวิชาการศาสนาที่ท่องจำพูด ต่อสื่อแทรกสคริฟท์ การเมืองและ Marketing Warfare ตามๆ กันนำผู้คนมืดทั้งโลก ไม่เห็น โรล โมเดล ศาสดา หาไม่พบ Logic ว่านับถือศาสดากันทำไม?



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

แสงเดือนส่องหล้าสร้าง 3 เงา

ด้วย สันดานหวงหึงพลุ่งพล่านอิจฉาพยาบาท ( มังกรเลื้อยคลาน/ นาคซุ่ม) ฟุ้ง ซ่านสำแดงเดช) ประดิษฐ์เหตุผลทอแสงอะตอมิคล๊อคจิคหลอน

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ripe time to relearn to live wisely well together with other people's relearning kids. Metahabitually copy God proxy flock's TTT (thing, talk, touch), to get tunnel-bridged en routing Rainbow Life Lab Living & UPOL Backup Mentoring System -- holistic whirling of the chosen ones and selected groups.

Only two troubles on this road;
not many people get on, not many people get through. ~ Buddha

Rainbow Crossroad Skulling

It's simpler, better and more worthy to empower and help protecting UPOL of a poor relearning practitioners than to empower a political-economic kingdom of a secular emperor.

Rainbow metahabitual duplications (culture)among few percentage of each mankind's generation God-sent to co-exemplifying living wisely well together, sharing earth planet's surface


Download-reading in Living Formula -- blank head empties the mind and relaxes the body. Your left -brain-freed mind understands whatever the brain doesn't know, like/ dislike or get used to.

Com+merc(y)e with NASDAQ-indexed money users, partner with cosmic money circulators.

Listen in peace, you'll succeed. ~Mohammad
Listening is the course of enlightenment.
~ Buddha
Success is build from listening ... Quick to listen, slow to speak. ~ Jesus Christ
Meditaing in action (pray Googling) and search (for a mentor of truvision) on plnet's surface. ~

THE MENTORS: UPOL leaders invest living only in, by and for fostering life-time partners and successors -- no time, energy, tangible assets to waste for mouthing intellectuals.

A dog is not considered good dog just because he can bark. A man is not considered good man because he can speak.
~ ฺBuddha

In respect to God's will and unconditional love, UPOL leaders avoid dwelling with, weeding off, and leave sophist snakes, serpents and leviathans ignoring profound listening and interrupting other's UPOL to Heaven-mandated Wisdom-test Game Plan I, with.

UPOL leaders visit others at home and in authenicity <> sanctity <> frugality sharing co-innovating kingdom. Bringing looting, love-to-take pharaoh-ghosts along is tabooed.

Sophist debators and secular leaders proud of material/ rank/ position/ money achievements are dead within. They deserve involuting pharaoh-ghost-streamlined politics, religions, charities, BBB (boss, banks, brewers), public media and formal education they metahabitually submit lives struggle, suffering & die for. Let the deaths bury the deaths.~ Jesus Christ

Without left-brain peace in listening, the person doesn't truly seek peace, he only attempt to conserves sophist's metahabits of listening to kung-fu-fight -- egoistically guarding his reptile's thinking amalgamations with concrete conclusion, "It's you to listen to me" -- draining other's time & UPOL. ~
Ralph Peterson

See more about UPOL mentors' common stance.

Cosmic Money Currency
Convert NASDAQ-indexed money to cosmic money, and compnay's stockss to cosmic stock.

CHANGE: Live a humanimating <> being humanimated life with self-efficy of resonating <> synchronizing <> integrating to universalnet circulatory system -- by, in, on, through and for spending cosmic money (Alpha+) on earth, buying cosmic stock/ share (Omega) in the universe.

SHARE: The Sacred [Omega (light/ The Spirit) tells the Practical [Omega x Sigma/ Beta (life) = Alpha+ (leverage love) in all actions], the Practical [ripples Alpha+ (righteous)] informs the Sacred

PARALLEL METACULTURES: Laws of Separate-to-learn & dynamic TTT Karma;-

>>> Trimetapolar leaders clones rainbow metahabitual followers. Bimetapolar leaders clone (duplicates) reptile's metahabitual followers.

>> Man's feeling kingdom oriented to utopianization (civic froideur living capitalization) resonates to rainbow metahabits duplications.

>>> Man's feeling kingdom (mentality sensations) oriented to Armadeddonization (pharaoh-ghost-embodied plutocratic capitalism) resonates to (attracted by) reptile metahabits duplications (fitting Heaven-mandated Wisdom-test Game Plan i).

UNCONSCIOUS ENEMIES: In association, reptile duplicators pheromone pharaonic-plutocratic metahabitual viruses creating crossline metahabitual crashes -- draining leaders/ patrons' energy, time, money, metality and vidalize, damage grassroots frugalities, stealing potential God and God's proxy's successors, and ruining civilization.

BASIC ATTENDMENT: Fist step of attending enlightenment is (prophetic bachelor degree/ alive seed of greatness) consistent, concurrent grow of peace, happiness, health spontaneous leverage love everywhere you go -- with intuition of weeding off whatever has no propensity to rainbow involution out of your feeling kingdom.

CLASSIFIED BY WISDOM: On crossroads to metacultural shift, untrue/ pretending truth, peace, or wisdom seekers, overclaiming and overclaiming friendhsip) tend to create crosslined metahabitual cultural crashes, closing mentoring door (or even endanger life for over-claimers).

Not for Grant

SEPARATE TO LEARN: OMYIYAMEDA is non-profiteering, but not for grant. UPOL oraculatory venues are exclusive and 'no-hunting'. Playfull, non-quietist, sex/ money/ slave hunters get weeded off, left out, exiled (separate to learn) -- to prevent metacultural crashes (or even maltreated unofficially by some voluntary protectors in absence of the mentoring leaders).

Metacultural crash examples;-
Case I | Case 2 | Case 3 | Case 4 | Case 5 | Case 6 | Case 7 | Case 8 | Case 9 | Case 10
All mistakes were caused by the bridging leader's not giving enough preparatory info, and/ or rush to bring untamed lions into association. No kindness. ~ Lao Tzu

Reptile metahabitual duplictors keep throwing destructive TTT kamic boomerangs. Dwelling too long with them. You, get addicted to the metahabits and sharing the effects. ~
Ralph Peterson

Thursday, December 11, 2008

UPOL Mentoring Streamlines Duplicate God
Give to Froider-test
UPOL Froideur Test: Listening relearner> sacrificing apprentice> co-innovative partner

Things valued most individually, ethnically or nationally may be valueless universally.

Bricking & Walling: Self-indulging gossip, debate, critique, lament, complain, blemish - manipulating, motivating, managing, humiliating others - seeking intimacy for privilege, opportunity, sex/ love, labor, celebrity - or taking materials/ secular (working-with-material & twilightening spiritual) knowledge as power humiliating/ exploiting others.

Self-thickening Nutshells: Psychical practices of brick-making and walling (cutting off intention <> attention connections) block relearning, voiding self-actualization.

Education eventually spreads in two ends; one you know it, but you can't do it [cleverness sharpening (building walls, burning bridges) inside-out practice], the other, you know it and you can do it [wisdom educing (breaking walls, building bridges) inside-out practice]. ~ Aristotle

Unconscious Enemies: Dualistic mentality are hungry and angry, spying/ lurking to steal, damage and vandalize acquaintance's UPOL, remodelled metaculture, creative, inventive, innovative ideas, opportunity etc.) respect diversifiedly artifact Gods -- pray <> meditate <> wish high aim -- but in action, TTT karma involuting low aim [praying wrong god, going wrong direction].

Respect the Truth: Pretenders unchanged reactive mind's individualism resonates <> synchronizes <> integrates (gravitated/ addicted/ attached) to skulling template of pharaonic-plutocratic manimation <> animation.

We (God & proxies) cannot change you, unless you change your Self within. ~
The Bible, Tora, Quran

Mentors Avoid External Power Users, Hunters, Misers & Star War
Disarm To Get Lifted
Learn to relearn (by 6th sense) > lead redirection > leave (gravitation & creation to whoever deserves).

People's money/ material/external-power-canopied minds scare the planet with betrayal, revolutions, murders and apocalypse massacres everywhere worldwide.

Quantum nanomutation trimetapolartity partner(s) converts burning money to lubricant regulating peace, happiness, health, leverage love, freedom, communally sharing wealth, and spontaneously, constructively influence better living together globally.

Bimetapolarity partner(s) converts money/material/celebrity greed-lust-anger to gasoline burning bridges, lives and even Rome (Nero), Europe (Napoleon Bonaparte), the world (Hitler) or dethrone others to get killed celebrating achievement (Ghandi/ Karl Marx).

UPOL menters are not looking for naked money for self-indulging -- and not getting involved with too many people. They're selectively dealing only with whoever practice cooling material-electrified transformation with nirvana skulling in dealing with lives.

And, they're looking for only whoever teachable to help lifting on UPOL life lab living as life-time interactive partners and quantum nanomutation successors, regardless of nationality, race, religion, education and financial backgrounds

In time siege-mentality, sophist star-wars and vandalism plaguing the planet, to trust and to be trusted must begin with openness and willingness to convert your Self from manimation <> animation to hu(ge)manimation skulling.
Mentors backup Leverage Love, Marry to Last & Separate to Learn
Nirvana in Love

You will be loved and wanted later -- after first 7-Eleven of paradigm-flip practice process -- by the radiations of your flipped-side quality of mind and character with metahabits of UPOL sharing co-innovator that fits universally being loved and cared.

If you one-sidedly love and want. Nobody's to care for what you want, so far as boomerang effects are not consistently created. Others love, want, care and share only when you relearn to be loved, wanted, shared and cared by the values of who you are radiating UPOL sharing.

We have no right to claim for love, care, and share from others just because we can walk 2 legs and have something, unless we care to share and leverage others to live growing sharing peace, happiness, health leverage love and frugality ~ Mentor #10
MENTORS & UPOL TRIBES CAN LIFT ONLY SONNY DEVOTEES AS IN-LAWS, PARTNERS OR SUCCESSORSPride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.
~ Solomon

Egoistic, heroic, individualistic pride and and money <> celebrity <> body-pleasure lust are not responsible for anybody's future.

To live sacrifice what you have for retrieval of Eden Planet arks (Eng: arches) life onto oneness (co-ordination) of leverage love freedom and frugality-sharing abundance.

To live struggling for what you want isolates life lonely, suffering, running short of leverage partners and successors.

Noah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Lao Tzu, Albert Einstein, Thosmas Edison, David, Solomon functioned on board rainbow Humanimation duplication mission.

Whoever know lust causes pain is wise. ~ Buddha

UPOL mentors choose to dwell with whoever really wants to get lift on trimetapolarity tunnel life lab living connections (the society of upright celestial practitioners -- light blue indexed circle).

They waste no time, to deal directly with, but are able to benefit, non-relearners and pharaonic-plutocratic (bridge-burning, wall building, self-indulging star-warring)leadrs through service hands of their followers (upleft and downward celestial -- orange indexed circle).

After a 7-Eleven of continual study and practice your are no more lonely, short of leverage love and life-time partners.

We're on the way of abundant love, care and share. ~ Ralph Peterson